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by Lyrica

Custom version of Sakura Kasugano, for MUGEN 1.0+.
Based (mostly) on her Capcom vs SNK 2 appearance.
Customizable options, including alternate hitsparks and choosing between Custom Combo or MAX Mode. Check "config.txt" for info.
Two modes: Normal and Dark.
Many Hyper Portraits and Big Portraits.
Special Intro vs Jmorphman's Shingo Yabuki.
Special Intro vs Yuri, Karin, Dan and Athena.
Special Intro vs my Akuma (both Normal and Dark mode).
Special Winpose using Shun Goku Satsu and Lv.3 Midare Zakura.



This character has two different modes:

Normal Sakura
  • Based on her CvS2 appearance, with bits from SFIV and SFV
  • Does normal damage
  • Can perform EX moves
  • Has normal defense
Dark Sakura
  • Based on her versus series appearances (MSHxSF and MvC2)
  • Moves faster and has different properties on special moves
  • Does more damage than Normal Sakura
  • Can not perform EX moves
  • Has lower defense
If controlled by the AI, defense levels have no effect. This means that she has normal defense, much like in official Capcom games.

Both chars in one file. Hold start to choose Dark Sakura (palettes 7 ~ 12).

Only Normal Sakura.

Only Dark Sakura.

By default, only the version that include both chars can transform mid fight, but this can easily be changed in each respective file in the States folder.

Palette Configuration

To change palettes, you need to open the respective file and edit a few things:
Sakura (both modes): States/Sakura.st
Normal Sakura only: States/NormalSakura.st
Dark Sakura only: States/DarkSakura.st

You will see a section with the title "Palette Configuration". Var(0) controls what palette Sakura will be using. Inside the "Palettes" folder there are previews for the palettes, with a number on their names. To assign a palette to a button, simply put that number to the button you want.
For example, if you want palette 13 for the "b" button, go to:
[State 5900, Palette 5 (b)]
and change the last line to:
var(0) = 13

Palettes are organized like this: 1~199: Normal Sakura || 200+ : Dark Sakura
If you make new palettes, be sure to add them in the correct number range!

Move List

(EX): move has an EX version, performed by pressing 2 punch/kick buttons (costs 1/2 bar).
(MAX): use 2 punch/kick buttons when performing a Super Move to power it up (costs 2 bars).
(Lv.3): move costs 3 bars.

Normal Sakura
Sakura Shime or +
Sailor Shoot or +
Flower Kick +
Air Throw or + (Air)
Hadoken (EX) + (hold to change effect)
Tengyo Hadoken (EX) + (hold to change effect)
Shououken (EX) +
Shunpu Kyaku (EX) + (Air also)
 └ Shunpu Renkyaku +
Ouka Kyaku (EX) + (Air)
Sakura Otoshi (EX) +
 └ Punch (up to 3 times)
 └ Ouka Kyaku +
 └ Air Throw or +
 └ Cancel
Shinku Hadoken (MAX) +
Shinku Tengyo Hadoken (MAX) +
Haru Ichiban (MAX) +
Midare Zakura (MAX) +
Transform + (enable in "config.txt")
Haru Ranman (Lv.3) + (default command)
+ (alternate command)

Dark Sakura
Sakura Shime or +
Sailor Shoot or +
Flower Kick +
Air Throw or + (Air)
Hadoken +
Air Hadoken + (Air)
Tengyo Hadoken +
Shououken +
Shunpu Kyaku + (Air also)
Ouka Kyaku + (Air)
Sakura Otoshi +
 └ Punch (up to 3 times)
 └ Ouka Kyaku +
 └ Air Throw or +
 └ Cancel
Ashura Senku or + or
Shinku Hadoken (MAX) +
Shinku Tengyo Hadoken (MAX) +
Haru Issen (MAX) +
Midare Zakura (MAX) +
Transform + (enable in "config.txt")
Shun Goku Satsu (Lv.3)
Midare Zakura (Lv.3) + (default command)
+ (alternate command)


Forward Dash
Run (hold )
Backward Dash
Low Jump tap
High Jump tap
Long Low Jump tap tap
Dodge +
Dodge Attack or (during dodge)
Forward Roll + +
Backward Roll + +
Parry tap
Parry Low tap
Air Parry tap (Air)
Power Charge hold +
Zero Counter + or (during guard)
Custom Combo + (Air also)
MAX Mode +
Fall Recovery or +

Move Details

  • Flower Kick is an overhead.
  • Hadoken will launch the opponent if charged (Normal Sakura) or used in a short distance (Dark Sakura).
  • EX Ouka Kyaku can OTG (hit lying down opponents).

Combo System

  • Some Normal attacks can be canceled into Command Normal, Special and Super moves.
  • Some Special moves can be canceled into Super moves.
  • Some Lv1 Super moves can be canceled into MAX Super moves.
  • Cancelling a Special, Super move or Custom Combo into a Super move resets the juggle points but also reduces its damage.

Custom Combo

  • Removes cancellable attack restrictions and gives you a lot of freedom to combo them.
  • Juggle limite is lifted.
  • You can only use EX Special or Super moves from the point the character starts flashing faster and brighter, and doing so ends Custom Combo.
  • Gives you a short invulnerability window at the start.

MAX Mode

  • Attack and Defense are increased while in MAX Mode.
  • EX moves can be performed at no power cost, though take away from time sustained in MAX mode.
  • All Lv1 Supers can be performed at no power cost, though immediately uses up all time in MAX mode.
  • All Lv2 and higher Supers will cost 1 power bar, along with using up all time in MAX mode.
  • Even without a power bar, as long as you have time left in MAX mode, you can perform Lv1 Supers/EX moves.
  • You can not Power Charge/gain power while in MAX mode.
  • You can not perform a Zero Counter/Counter Movement while in MAX Mode.



Version History

Click to show/hide

  • Fixed palette error during intro with Akuma
  • Fixed mispelling in the code that made Sakura able to cancel lv1 Shinkuu Hadouken into any lv1 super
  • Fixed Max Mode bar disappearing late in some lv3 supers
  • Fixed a few issues that were not noticiable (?) during transformation
  • Added cancel from specials to transformation
  • Fixed medium spark scale
  • Fixed Hadoushou behavior
  • A few aesthetics tweaks here and there
  • Fixed Hadouken not playing sound when hitting another projectile
  • Fixed Sakura not keeping the mode (if changed) between rounds
  • Changed to 1.0 sprites and added RemapPal to transformations
  • Dark Sakura medium hadouken now have the same range as the other variants
  • Fixed not being able to super cancel from Tengyou Hadouken
  • Fixed EX Tengyou Hadouken angle during hitpause
  • Fixed projectile flag in Hadoushou
  • Added Cheap K.O. SFA voice
  • Fixed Custom Combo finish not appearing when using some projectiles
  • Extended Shinkuu Hadouken range for Dark Sakura
  • Added special intro (both modes) vs Akuma
  • Added more palettes
  • Added alternate commands for Lv3 Supers
  • Extended time for Sakura Shime to be more accurate to CvS2
  • Added Winpose for Haru Ranman and Midare Zakura (Lv3)
  • Official release
  • Alpha Released

Known Issues

  • If timed correctly, Sakura can do an infinite combo involving Shunpuu Kyaku in the corner. It's very hard to do consistently though. Will fix when possible.

Special Thanks

  • Everyone from MugenGuild and MFFA, always helping and treating me super nice.
  • PotS, for the style, assets and code help
  • Jmorphman and JustNoPoint for the Explodsive Buffering System
  • Jmorphman and DivineWolf, for reference I used to make my template
  • Jmorphman and KarmaCharmeleon for teaching me how to use the CheatEngine tables
  • Jesuszilla for the CheatEngine tables
  • Insanius for CvS2 sprites with axis
  • AlexSin and Momotaro for custom sprites for Haru Ranman
  • RaZorbakk36 for helping color separating some sprites
  • Warusaki3 for reference on coding and some sounds that I borrowed
  • Drex for SFA3 sounds / The Sound Resources for MvC2 sounds
  • Many people (can't remember everyone, sorry), for the Color Separation
  • Cyanide, JustNoPoint, 2OS, and many other people for helping with code
  • Trololo, Foobs, Lurker for some sick pals
  • DauntlessMonk7 for recording footage from SF4 for me
  • .JSON, Foobs, RagingRowen, ZolidSone and other people for testing and feedback
  • TheFightersGeneration for artworks I used for the portraits
  • streetfighter.fandom.com for artworks, victory quotes and many other useful stuff
  • Many artists for artwork I used for the Lv3 portraits:
  • wiki.supercombo.gg, for the icons in the move list
  • Everyone at MFG, for feedback, testing and suggestions
  • Elecbyte, for creating MUGEN
  • VirtuallTek, for creating Fighter Factory
  • Capcom, for creating Sakura
  • You, for downloading my char :D


Street Fighter, Capcom Fighting Jam and Capcom VS SNK 2 are property of Capcom.
This MUGEN character is a non-profit fan work, it cannot be used for any commercial purposes.